Scott Ottenberg

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A Conservative Leader for Our Community

Scott F. Ottenberg‘s life story is a testament to the enduring values that resonate with his conservative and Republican peers. From his humble beginnings to his distinguished career and civic engagement, Scott embodies the principles of hard work, self-reliance, and a steadfast commitment to conservative ideals that make him the ideal candidate to represent our community.


Protecting Our Families

Fund Law Enforcement

Scott believes that fully funding our law enforcement agencies will ensure they have the tools they need to stop criminals. He will push back against those calling to “Defund the police.”

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Protecting Our Rights

Scott believes that when one of our constitutional rights is threatened, they are all threatened. He will fight to protect all the rights these documents guarantee us.

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Fighting Excessive Government Spending

Fighting Against Higher Taxes

Scott agrees with President Ronald Reagan’s assertion that “The government that governs best is that which governs least.” Scott will fight against higher taxes that reduce consumer purchasing power and inhibit job growth. 

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Fighting for the People of Wildwood and Clarkson Valley

Conservative City Council Record

 Scott’s service on the Wildwood City Council has focused on protecting our wallets, neighborhoods, and streets. He will take the same focus to the legislature in Jefferson City.

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Fighting for a Stronger Economy

Developing a Workforce

Scott believes an educated workforce will attract companies and good-paying jobs to Missouri. Giving our citizens multiple education and career training options will ensure all Missourians can select options appropriate for them.

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Reforming the Healthcare System

Rebuild our Economy

The current healthcare system is like a confusing maze that is challenging to navigate. The
government’s recent attempts to improve healthcare have fallen short. Obama Care’s promises
that if you liked your doctor and insurance plan, you could keep them, turned out to be hollow.

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Fighting for Better Education

Education for the Future

He believes we must begin today preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow including those in artificial intelligence, hi-tech, and the pharmaceutical industry.

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Get Involved

Scott F. Ottenberg‘s journey from the heartland of Rockford, IL, to the corridors of corporate success and public service is a testament to his unwavering commitment to conservative principles. Born into a working-class family, Scott’s early years were shaped by the resilience of his parents, both hailing from the coal and steel region near Pittsburgh. His father’s decision to serve in the Air Force and subsequently become an airplane mechanic underscored the family’s ethos of hard work as one of the keys to success.

In his formative years, Scott faced the challenges of a broken family, but was instilled with values that resonated with the conservative mindset. His mother’s refusal to seek public assistance, firmly believing in self-sufficiency, emphasized the importance of hard work, left an indelible mark on Scott. His mother, like her parents, has always voted Republican because “republicans believe hard work is the key to success.” These early experiences laid the foundation for his enduring commitment to conservative ideals.

Scott pursued Electronics Technology at Rock Valley College, working tirelessly to self-finance his education. He worked 25 to 30 hours weekly in a paint factory and as a dump truck driver to pay college tuition and related expenses. Eventually he graduated from Bradley University with a B.S Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology. His life took a pivotal turn when he met Mary Kolb, marking the beginning of a 45-year marital bond. As a family man, Scott’s conservative values have transcended generations, with both his daughter Abigale and son Barrett achieving academic success and contributing to their communities.

Scott’s professional journey traversed the corporate landscape taking key roles in Cooper industries in St. Louis and later CBM out of Kansas City. Scott’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to open an office for CBM in St. Louis, representing multiple manufacturers.

Beyond the corporate leadership ranks, Scott’s commitment to conservative values extended to political activism. His commitment to conservative principles was shaped by influential figures like William F. Buckley, Jr., and Ronald Reagan. From his early involvement in college as co-leader of a group of “Students for Reagan” to his recent victories on the Wildwood City Council, Scott consistently advocated for policies aligning with conservative ideals. His resolute stand against mask mandates and successful opposition to tax proposals exemplify his dedication to limited government and individual liberties.

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